Recent Cases
Family Law . Personal InjuryFamily Law
Paternity Nightmare
R and M were in a long-term relationship. In 2013, R tells M she had an affair and is now pregnant. R and M separate. A year later, M finds evidence that R met her paramour after the child was conceived. M wanted to know if the child was his and R resisted and subsequently fought for sole custody of the child. Stefanie petitioned the Court for a DNA test and M was able to establish regular visitation with his child.
Client J was Charged with Domestic Assault on a Family Member (Father of Her children and Ex-Husband)
Client J was arrested at her home at a later date in front of her children. Client did not have bond money. Ms. Gonzalez was able to obtain a PR Bond and set the case for trial due to the case having no merit. The District Attorney dismissed on the day of trial and Attorney SG was able to expunge the arrest AND took lying ex-husband back to court to double current child support since he had lied about his wages also.
M Stopped Allowing F to Visit His Son Since Their Break Up When the Child was 3 Years Old
M stopped allowing F to visit his son since their break up when the child was 3 years old. M alleged that F had assaulted her previously but agreed that F was a great father to his son. Attorney SG was able to establish regular visitation between F and son.
Wife W had been Married to H for 15 Years When H Told W He was No Longer in Love and Filed for Divorce
W had been a stay at home mom to the couple’s 3 children and although she had a degree, she had been out of the work force for years. Attorney SG won 3 years of Spousal Maintenance for W and half of the community estate including the marital residence so the children could remain in their home.
CPS Removed Children A, B, and C from Mother M for Abuse
Grandparents had been helping raise the children since birth and became placement through CPS. Father F stepped into the case and the lives of the children, after YEARS of not visiting and paying child support. Attorney SG intervened into the case and won full custody for Grandparents with F and M receiving visitation rights.
Client J was Served With a Petition to Modify From His Ex-Wife M
In the Petition, M. asked the court to change J.’s visitation to supervised visitation due to a verbal altercation J. and M. had at a previous visit. Ms. Gonzalez filed a counterpetition for J. and was able to stop M. from gaining supervised visitation and in addition, lowered J.’s child support by $400 per month due to J. initially paying above-guideline support.